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Submission Guidelines

The community provides a gathering place for people whose insights and experiences show how a deepening understanding of God, gained through their practice of Christian Science, can lead to healing and spiritual growth. These insights and their results help anyone see how their lives—and their neighbors' lives—can be made better through prayer. We'd love to know about your own experiences and healings that have come about through the study and practice of Christian Science. Here are some simple guidelines for article submissions:

  • It's helpful to keep in mind that's visitors are a global audience.
  • Include any spiritual idea(s) from the Bible or Mary Baker Eddy's writings that helped you or those you're writing about.
  • Use spiritual reasoning to explain your concepts and develop the ideas in a way that readers can understand.
  • Show how these spiritual concepts changed your thought in a way that led to healing or that gave you spiritual inspiration.
  • Be sure to describe how the situation changed as your thought about it was spiritualized.
  • Give enough detail about the subject of the story so that it's easily followed. Since this is a site meant to help visitors find healing and comfort and gain in their understanding of the practice of Christian Science, keep in mind how your writing style will reach the hearts of your readers.

When your article is ready, please email your submission to Thank you for sharing with our online community.

After you've submitted:

  • You can expect an automated acknowledgement of your submission within one business day.
  • You will be contacted via email or phone about your submission's publication status.
  • If your article is published on the site, be sure to let everyone know by sharing a link with your friends!

Note: Accounts that include examples of physical healing through spiritual means require verification. An editor will assist you with the details of obtaining verifications.

Misi Bentara

Pada tahun 1903, Mary Baker Eddy mendirikan Bentara Ilmupengetahuan Kristen. Tujuannya: “untuk memberitakan kegiatan serta ketersediaan universal dari Kebenaran.” Definisi “bentara” dalam sebuah kamus adalah “pendahulu—utusan yang dikirim terlebih dahulu untuk memberitakan hal yang akan segera mengikutinya,” memberikan makna khusus pada nama Bentara dan selain itu menunjuk kepada kewajiban kita, kewajiban setiap orang, untuk memastikan bahwa Bentara memenuhi tugasnya, suatu tugas yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari Kristus dan yang pertama kali disampaikan oleh Yesus (Markus 16:15), “Pergilah ke seluruh dunia, beritakanlah Injil kepada segala makhluk.”

Mary Sands Lee, Christian Science Sentinel, 7 Juli 1956

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